Paris in London, or the major research journals in foreign languages

  • Udo Jung


The author discusses possible criteria for assessing foreign-language journals and comments on the difficulties which arise. He dedicates the article to John Trim, former Director of the Centre for Information on Language and Research (CILT), and pays tribute to their quarterly abstracting journal, LANGUAGE TEACHING, which over the past 18 years has been assessing international foreign-language journals. He makes a critical assessment of the method used by CILT and by means of a number of tables he elucidates the criteria used in ranking the journals, their authors, and their countries of origin. Die skrywer bespreek moontlike kriteria wat gebruik kan word vir die evaluering van vreemde taal-joernale en !ewer kommentaar op probleme wat opduik Hy dra die artikel op aan John Trim, voormalige Direkteur van die Centre for Information on Language and Research (CILT) en bring hulde aan hulle kwartaallikse abstrakte-joernaal, LANGUAGE TEACHING, wat die afgelope 18 jaar reeds internasionale vreemde taal-joernale evalueer. Hy bespreek metodes wat CILT gebruik krities en met behulp van 'n aantal tabelle verklaar hy die kriteria wat gebruik word om joernale, hulle outeurs en die lande van oorsprong te rangskik


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