Die rol van die rekenaar by mondeling

  • Jannie Botha


For many years language teachers regarded the microcomputer as merely a drill-andpractice machine. One of its main disadvantages seemed to be that it could only be used in certain areas of language teaching, and not ,for example, in oral work. In this paper it is argued that advances in hardware as well as software now make the microcomputer an all-rounder with regard to language teaching. Not only can the analogue sound storage facilities enhance listening comprehension practice but it can also be used for listening practice for different dialects. Advances in software development,for example simulation programmes, open new possibilities for oral group work. Data base programmes can also be used for gathering and organising information before oral work commences. It is emphasized in this paper that the microcomputer will not easily become a willing and able partner in real conversation. On the other hand, if one looks at the recent advances in educational technology, an electronic conversation partner may be part of the language teaching scenario sooner than anticipated by language teachers.


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