Shakespeare through suggestopedia?
This article explores the feasibility of using Suggestopedia to teach literary appreciation of a Shakespeare play. It describes the criteria for a suggestopedic text and examines the viability of using a Shakespeare play as such a text. A brief description of the course, which was presented to a group of students at Denneoord College for Continued Training in Stellenbosch, is given, as well as the results of various forms of evaluation. Die doe! van hierdie artikel is om na te vors of Suggestopedia gebruik kan word om letterkundige waardering van 'n Shakespeare-drama te onderrig. Dit omskrywe die kriteria vir die Suggestopediese teks en ondersoek die moontlikheid of die Shakespeare-drama as so 'n teks gebruik kan word. 'n Beknopte omskrywing van die kursus, wat aan 'n groep studente van die Denneoord-kollege vir voortgesette opleiding te Stellenbosch aangebied is, word gegee, asook die resultate van verskeie vorms van evaluering.Downloads
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