Using the internet in a language classroom: A case study

  • Samantha Hannig
  • Gary Barkhuizen


This article reports on a case study which investigated the use of the internet, specifically theWorld Wide Web, to complete a literary-based project on the jilm Shakespeare in Love. Grade10 high school learners were observed during their Information Technology (IT) classes andthey were asked to complete a questionnaire on their perceptions of the success of the project.It was found that the project was not well received. Lack of communication between the ITteachers and the English teachers resulted in uncertainty on the part of the learners about whatto do. The majority of the learners felt that the project did not enrich their experience of studyingthejilm.In hierdie artikel word 'n gevallestudie beskryf wat handel oor die ervarings van 'n Groepgraad IO-hoerskoolleerders met die internet. Hulle moes die World Wide Web gebruik om 'nletterkundeprojek oor die jilm Shakespeare in Love te doen en is waargeneem tydens hulleInjromasietegnologieklasse. Hulle is ook gevra om 'n vraelys te voltooi oor hulle persepsievan die sukses van die projek . Daar is bevind dat die leerders nie van die projek gehou hetnie. Gebrekkige kommunikasie tussen die Informasietegnologie-onderwysers en dieEngelsonderwysers het veroorsaak dat die leerders nie presies geweet het wat van hulleverwag word nie. Die meeste leerders was van mening dat die projek nie verrykend wat tenopsigte van die bestudering van die jilm nie.


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Author Biographies

Samantha Hannig
Samantha Hannig is a postgraduate student in the Department of English Language and Linguistics at Rhodes University with an interest in the use of computer technology in the language classroom.
Gary Barkhuizen
Gary Barkhuizen lectures in the Department of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Rhodes. His research interests are in teacher education and learner perceptions of their learning environment, and he has published in TESOL Quarterly, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, and Linguistics and Education.