Kathleen Heugh, Amanda Siegriihn and Peter Pliiddemann (Editors):Multilingual Education for South Africa.

  • Elaine Ridge


Communicative language teaching (CLT) has been criticised on some counts both here and abroad. One of the reasons is that it is open to a number of interpretations. Another is its uncertain theoretical base. However, perhaps the most significant reason is that criticism of an approach or method in the course of time is natural and helpful. The adoption of outcomesbased education (OBE) in South Africa requires certain adaptations and redefinition of language teaching. This article argues that CLT is appropriate to the needs of OBE, and highlights some of the aspects which must be reviewed if the needs of the majority of children are to be met.Verskeie aspekte van Kommunikatiewe-taalonderrig is hier en in die buiteland gekritiseer. Een van die redes is dat dit op verskillende maniere geinterpreteer kan word. Nog 'n rede is die vae teoretiese basis daarvan. Nogtans is die mees betekenisvolle rede miskien dat kritiek van 'n benadering of metode met verloop van tyd 'n natuurlike proses is en nuttig kan wees. Die aanvaarding van OBE in SA vereis sekere aanpassings en 'n herdefiniering van taalonderrig. Hierdie artikel stel die standpunt dat KTO vir die behoeftes van OBE toepaslik is en lig sommige van die aspekte uit wat hersien sal moet word as daar aan die behoeftes van die meerderheid kinders voldoen wil word.


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