Communicative language teaching: some of the challenges for teacher trainers in South Africa
Communicative language teaching presents a number of challenges to those involved in teacher training. This article takes the view that the focus should be on education, rather than training. The challenges inherent in four areas are given particular attention: the view of language; the view of teaching; the view of language learning and the view of the learner. The final section, argues that courses should be proactive, enabling students to review the current teaching approach critically and adapt it to the particular contexts in which they do their teaching. Kommunikatiewe-taalonderrig stel 'n heel aantal eise aan diegene wat betrokke is by onderwyseropleiding. Hierdie artikel voer dan dat die fokus op opvoeding, eerder as opleiding,. behoort te val. Die klem val op eise wat eie is aan vier terreine van kommunikatiewe-taalonderrig: die siening oor taal, die siening oor onderrig, die siening oor taalonderrig en die siening oor die leerder. Die laaste gedeelte pleit dat kursusse proaktief moet wees om studente in staat te stet om die huidige onderrigbenadering krities to beskou en dit aan te pas by die besondere konteks waarin hulle onderrig gee.Downloads
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