The integration of language and thinking skills in a bridging course for pre-university students at the Military Academy

  • J ohan J Swartz
  • Charl D. Cilliers


This article describes the design and presentation of a bridging course for students who were admitted to a _degree course at the Military Academy at Saldanha Bay, but who were considered inadequately prepared for tertiary study. The main focus of the bridging course was the upgrading of students' language skills in both English and Afrikaans. Language content was, however, integrated with components on thinking and study skills. Results of pre- and post-tests are given, as well as some qualitative data regarding the success of the course. Academic results of students' first year of study (1991) are summarised, and, where relevant, are related to the approach to and content of the bridging course. Hierdie artikel beskryf die ontwerp en aanbieding van 'n oorbruggingskursus vir studente wat toegelaat is tot 'n graadkursus aan die Miltiere Akademie te Saldanhabaai, maar wat beskou is as onvoldoende voorberei vir tersiere studies. Die hooffokus van die brugkursus was die opgradering van studente se taalvaardigheid in Afrikaans en Engels. Taalinhoude was egter gei"ntegreer met komponente van denk- en studievaardighede. Resultate van voor- en na-toetse word gegee, asook sekere kwalitatiewe data aangaande die sukses van die kursus. Akademiese uitslae van studente aan die einde van hul eerste jaar (1991) word opgesom en, waar relevant, in verband gebring met die benadering en inhoud van die brugkursus.


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