In search of a nativist theory of second language acquisition

  • J ohann L. Van der Wait


This article illustrates the search for a theory of second language acquisition. It is the task of the applied linguist to investigate any discipline which can shed light on this problem. The article investigates the field of theoretical linguistics, in particular Chomsky 's Universal Grammar, fUnctional linguistics, and cognitive learning theory for answers to the question of how a second language is acquired. Hierdie anikel illustreer die soeke na 'n teorie van tweedetaalverwerwing. Dit is die taak van die toegepaste linguis om enige dissipline te ondersoek wat lig op hierdie probleem kan werp. Daar word gekyk na die teoretiese linguistiek, en veral na Chomsky se Universele Grammatika, die fonksionele linguistiek, en kognitiewe leerteorie vir antwoorde op die vraag hoe 'n tweede taal verwerjword.


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