The implementation of suggestopedic/SALT language teaching in South Africa since 1984
The article isextractedfroma comprehensive report to the HSRC by ProfD H. van der Vyver, the author, and Dr H.L. Bot ha, the co-author. It gives an overview of the development of suggestopedic!SALT language teaching in South Africa. First the theoretical framework, objectives and methodology of the approach are given followed by reports on SALT conferences. Various projects are described, especially the launching of a pilot project to upgrade English in education for blacks in KwaZulu by the Interuniversity Committee for Language Teaching. How this led to the establishment of the UPTTRAIL Trust and the engagement of the Institute for Language Teaching at the University ofStellenbosch, in cooperation with the HSRC, to work out a research design for the pilot project is explained. The subsequent research and the seminars and training sessions offered by UPTTRAIL are described as well as the incorporation of thinking skills into the VPTTRAIL package. Various courses are reported on and the mission of UPTTRAIL is clarifi'ed. Hierdie artikel is' n uittreksel uit 'n omvattende verslag aan die RGN deur prof D.H. van der Vyver, die outeur, en dr. H.L.Botha, die mede-outeur. Dit gee' n oorsig van die ontwikkeling van suggestopediese!SALT taalonderrig in Suid-Afrika. Eerstens word die teoretiese raamwerk, doelwitte en metodologie v(m die benadering gegee. Daarna volg verslae oor SALTkonferensies. Verskeie projekte word beskryf, vera! die lansering van' n loodsprojek deur die Interuniversitere Komitee vir Taalonderrig om Engels in onderwys vir swart kinders in KwaZulu op te gradeer. Daar word verduidelik hoe dit gelei het tot die stigting van die UPTTRAIL Trust en die verbintenis van die Instituut vir Taalonderrig van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in samewerking met die RGN, om 'n navorsingsontwerp uit te werk. Die daaropvolgende navorsing, seminare en opleidingsessies deur UPTTRAIL word beskryf, asook die opname van denkvaardighede in die VPTTRAIL-pakket. Daar word verslag gedoen van verskeie kursusse en die uiteindelike doe/wit van UPTTRAIL word verduidelik.Downloads
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