A computer programme for sentence comprehension

  • Sascha W. Felix


This paper presents the outlines of a computer programme for the analysis of English sentences. The programme is written in BASIC and implemented on a Sharp MZ 80 B. Its theoretical orientation is Chomsky's theory of government and binding. The programme will thus distinguish between grammatical and ungrammatical sentences, give a structural description of input sentences and state reasons for ungrammaticalities. At present the programme handles successfully main and embedded clauses (long distance), wh-movement and NP-movement in passives. Met hierdie artikel word 'n rekenaarprogram beskryf waarmee sinsontleding (Engels) gedoen kan word. Die program is in BASIC geskryf en word gelmplementeer op 'n Sharp MZ 80 B. Die teoretiese onderbou berus op Chomsky se teorie vir regering en binding. Gevolglik is die program in staat om te onderskei tussen grammatikale en ongrammatikale sinne, dit kan 'n strukturele beskrywing gee van gegewe sinne en redes aandui vir ongrammatikaliteite. Tans hanteer die program hoof- en bysinne (lang afstand), wh-verskuiwing en NP-verskuiwing in passiewe sinne.


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