Suggestopedic research in the GDR

  • Sigrid Gassner-Roberts


At the Institute of Mnemology at the University of Leipzig, a research team consisting of faculty members from the departments of Medicine, Education, Music and Psychology, as well as laboratory technicians has been investigating suggestopedic teaching for several years. English and Spanish language courses are conducted on a regular basis in connection with this research. The results of the research have been published in "Wissenschaftliche Berichte". This article describes a visit to the Institute, an observation of a Spanish lesson, and provides a summary of two articles from the "Wissenschaftliche Berichte". By die Instituut vir Geheue-ontwikkeling aan die Universiteit van Leipzig word suggestopediese onderrig reeds verskeie jare nagevors deur 'n span saamgestel uit lede vanuit die departemente van Geneeskunde, Opvoedkunde, Musiek en Sielkunde, tesame met 'n aantallaboratoriumtegnici. Taalkursusse in Engels en Spaans word gereeld aangebied as deel van die navorsingsprogram. Die resultate wat tot dusver behaal is, is gepubliseer in "Wissenschaftliche Berichte". Met hierdie artikel word 'n besoek aan die Instituut vir Geheueleer beskryf, sowel as 'n waarneming van 'n Spaanse les. Ten slotte word 'n opsomming gegee van twee van die artikels wat in "Wissenschaftliche Berichte" verskyn het.


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