Error analysis and its significance for second language teaching and learning

  • P. Sobahle


This article focuses on the errors made by a group of Xhosa speakers over a period of time in the process of learning English. Only by making an analysis of these errors can the teacher come to an understanding of why they keep recurring. By gaining insight into the reasons for the persistence of certain errors within that specific group, effective remedial action can be taken. Error analysis should therefore be an important ingredient in teacher training programmes for all language teachers. Hierdie artikel fokus op die mees algemene foute wat deur 'n groep Xhosa-sprekers begaan is oar 'n sekere tydsverloop by die aanleer van Engels. Slegs deur 'n fouteanalise te maak kan die onderwyser die redes bepaal vir steeds voorkomende foute binne daardie bepaalde groep. Daarvolgens kan dan remedierend opgetree word. Foute-analise behoort gevolglik 'n belangrike onderdeel van opleidingsprogramme vir alle taalonderwysers te vorm.


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