Radio language teaching in Kenyan sch
The Radio Language Arts Project in Kenya is currently testing the feasibility of using radio intensively to serve as the major medium of English instruction in the formal classroom setting. The project, now in its third and final year of lesson development and experimentation, is evaluating the effectiveness of radio in teaching English to children in the first three primary grades. The thirty-minute, daily broacasts are part of the normal school curriculum. Preliminary results show substantial achievement gains by the radio students and strong support from school personnel. The project demonstrates that carefully designed, written, and produced radio lessons, aided by human interaction fostered by a teacher or other guide, can be an effective alternative to more complex and more costly techniques. In Kenia word die uitvoerbaarheid daarvan om die radio intensief te gebruik as die belangrikste medium by die onderrig van Engels in die formele klassituasie, getoets deur projek "Radio Language Arts". Die projek, wat tans in sy derde en finale jaar van lesontwikkeling en eksperimentasie verkeer, evalueer die doeltreffendheid van die radio in Engels-onderrig aan kinders in die eerste drie jaar van die primere skool. Die halfuur lange, daaglikse uitsendings vorm deel van die norm ale kurrikulum. Voorlopige resultate vertoon aansienlike winste in die prestasies van radio-leerlinge en 'n sterk aanhang deur personeel. Die projek demonstreer dat noukeurig ontwerpte, geskrewe en uitgevoerde radio-lesse, ondersteun deur menslike interaksie in die vorm van 'n onderwyser of gids, 'n doeltreffende alternatief kan wees vir meer ingewikkelde en duur metodes.Downloads
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