
  • Christa van der Walt Stellenbosch University


We finish the 2019 academic year with a full issue of 8 articles. Please read the Editorial for details.In addition, it is a pleasure for us as editors to announce that Per Linguam was asked to submit information to the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). We would like to share the result of their evaluation, which is that Per Linguam has now been accepted for inclusion in Scopus. Per Linguam has also been approached by the MLA International Bibliography with a view to listing the electronic journal in the Directory of Periodicals. This process has not been concluded, but we thought you would like to know that our international audience is growing. Both these entities have also called for a continued, rigorous screening of the quality of submissions to the journal, and as editors we intend to continue with our practice of doing exactly that.


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