Computers in the writing processadvantage or disadvantage?

  • Jannie Botha


This paper tries to find an answer to the question of whether the microcomputer could be put to meaningful .Jse in the teaching of writing techniques to students. Attention is drawn to the fact that microcomputers are text orientated and as such, suitable for writing. Various reasons for this phenomenon are put forward. Microcomputers as well as programmes have become consumer friendly in recent times. This enhances the usefulness of the micro for the teaching of writing. At present, different writing projects are being carried out in the USA. Although scientifically founded results are as yet not readily available, there are indications that students react favourably to this new method of writing instruction. Various writing instructors have warned against the dangers of taking the new approach by storm. In this paper their misgivings are discussed. Hierdie artikel bespreek die vraag of mikrorekenaars sinvol gebruik kan word vir die onderrig van skryftegnieke aan studente. Daar word gewys op die feit dat mikrorekenaars teksgeorienteerd is en dus geskik is vir skryfwerk. Verskeie redes word hiervoor aangegee. Mikrorekenaars sowel as programme het gebruikersvriendelik geword in die jongste tyd. Dit verhoog die bruikbaarheid van die mikro vir skryfonderrig. Verskeie skryfprojekte is tans in die VSA aan die gang. Alhoewel wetenskaplik gefundeerde resultate nog nie geredelik beskikbaar is nie, dui gegewens daarop dat studente positief reageer op hierdie nuwe metode van skryfonderrig. Daar is verskeie skryfinstrukteurs wat waarsku teen die gevare van instorm in die nuwe benadering in. Hulle waarskuwings word voorts aan die orde gestel.


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