Die probleem van hoere ongeletterheid: is skryfonderrig op skool aandadig?
Die verskynsel dat universiteitstudente nie in staat is om te voldoen aan dosente se eise ten opsigte van hul taalbeheer nie, het aanleiding gegee tot 'n studie wat onder Afrikaanssprekende eerstejaarstudente ondemeem is. Die eksperimentele groep is saamgestel uit studente uit die geesteswetenskappe, wat Afrikaans as vak volg, en studente uit die natuurwetenskappe en handelswetenskappe, wat nie 'n taal as vereiste vak hoef te volg nie. Hulle reaksie op hul ervaring van stelonderrig op skool en hul ervaring van die eise wat aan die universiteit gestel_word t.o. v. hul taalvermoe is ondersoek Op grand daarvan is onder andere bevind dat studente wat probleme het om te voldoen aan die eise van akademiese diskoers geen skoling gekry het in die hantering van eksposisionele teks nie. Die studie toon die noodsaaklikheid om die huidige eksamenstelsel te herstruktureer. Leerlinge gee voorkeur aan sekere tipes opstelle, afhangend van hul geslag en studierigting. Die eksamenstelsel stet leerlinge in staat om sekere opsteltipes konsekwent te ontduik - juis die tipes wat hulle sou toerus vir die idse van die universiteit. The phenomenon that university students fail to comply with the demands of their lecturers as regards their level of linguistic competency, has led to a study which was conducted among Afrikaans speaking first year university students. The experimental group consisted of students from the faculties of human sciences, who were studying Afrikaans at university level, as well as students from the natural and commercial sciences, who were not taking any Afrikaans course. Their reaction to the writing instruction they had received in school, as well as their experience of writing problems posed by academic· discourse, was examined. The results show that students who find it difficult to cope with the demands of academic writing, have usually not received any training in expository writing. The study underlines the need for restructuring the examination. Students show preferences for certain types of composition, depending on their sex and course of study. The examination system makes it possible_ for scholars to avoid certain types of discourse consistently - exactly those types which would have equipped them for the demands made by the university.Downloads
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