Enhancing learning and comprehension through strengthening visual literacy

  • Cheryl Le Roux


Living in an image-rich world, as we currently do, does not mean that individuals naturally possess visual literacy skills. This article explores the concept of ‘visual literacy’, and the skills needed to develop visual literacy and visual intelligence. Developing visual literacy in educational environments is important because it can contribute to individual empowerment, and it is therefore necessary to take pedagogical advantage of visual literacy’s place across the disciplines. Doing this means tapping into experiences, expertise and interest in visual communication and building a new paradigm that takes visual education seriously.


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Author Biography

Cheryl Le Roux
Prof Cheryl le Roux is professor in education in the College of Human Sciences, Unisa, teaching mainly at postgraduate level in History of Education, Science Education and Environmental Education. Her current academic and research interests include visual research methodologies and the promotion of critical thinking skills.E-mail: lrouxcs@unisa.ac.za