Suggestopedic texts for foreign language teaching: some literary and didactic considerations

  • Rainer Kussler
  • Ruth Bodenstein


In this article, the basic principles of Lozanov's Suggestopedia are interpreted in terms of Watzlawick et a! (1980) as an orchestrated attempt to further "analogic" communication. Many suggestopedic texts are, however, based on concepts of language and language didactics which do not facilitate analogic communication. The article examines some fundamental literary and didactic criteria which should be applied to a text so that it lends itself to analogic communication, i.e. proper suggestopedic presentation and activation, and at the same time conforms to present day standards of language didactics. Die basiese beginsels van Lozanov se Suggestopedagogiek word hier vertolk in terme van 'n georkestreerde poging om "analogiese" kommunikasie te bevorder (Watzlawick et al 1980). Baie van die bestaande suggestopediese tekste is egter gebaseer op taalkonsepte en taaldidaktiek wat nie bevorderlik is vir analogiese kommunikasie nie. Met hierdie artikel word fundamentele literere en didaktiese maatstawe ondersoek wat aangele behoort te word om te verseker dat 'n teks homself leen tot analogiese kommunikasie: Behoorlikc suggestopediese aanbieding en aktivering moet moontlik wees terwyl die teks steeds voldoen aan huidige standaarde ten opsigte van taaldidaktiek.


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