Effektiewe ondersteuning aan Xhosa-moedertaalsprekers in Afrikaansmediumklasse
Die koms van demokrasie in 1994 en die aanvaarding van Suid-Afrika se Grondwet in 1996 (RSA, 1996), waarin die reg van elkeen om onderrig in die amptelike taal van sy/haar keuse te ontvang, verskans is, het nuwe uitdagings aan opvoeders gestel. Volgens hierdie Grondwet het elkeen die reg om onderrig in enige van die amptelike tale in publieke skole te ontvang. Sommige Xhosa-sprekende ouers oefen hierdie reg uit deur hulle kinders in Afrikaansmediumskole te plaas. Hulle is van mening dat dit vir hulle kinders beter geleenthede in die toekoms sal bied. Resultate van die Jaarlikse Nasionale Assesseringstoetse (ANA’s) toon dat daar 'n toename van Xhosa-moedertaalsprekers in Afrikaansmediumskole is wat nie hulle volle potensiaal ontwikkel nie as gevolg van die feit dat hulle min of geen Afrikaans magtig is. Dit is dus belangrik dat opvoeders[i] toegerus word met die nodige vaardighede om leerders met diverse agtergronde en moedertale te ondersteun. In die lig hiervan is hierdie ondersoek onderneem met die doel om 'n geletterdheids-intervensieprogram te ontwikkel om die woordeskat en leesbegrip van Xhosa-moedertaalsprekers in graad 4 tot 6-Afrikaansmediumklasse te bevorder. Die resultate van die ondersoek dui aan dat die implementering van die geletterdheidsintervensieprogram tot 'n verbetering in die Xhosa-moedertaalsprekers wat by hierdie studie betrek is, se woordeskat en leesbegrip in Afrikaans kan lei. Trefwoorde: geletterdheid, intervensieprogram, moedertaal, woordeskat, leesbegrip Effective support to Xhosa mother-tongue speakers in Afrikaans-medium classes The right of all citizens in South Africa to receive education in the official language of their choice was entrenched in our Constitution in 1996. This caused increasing challenges for educators. The Constitution allows parents to choose the language of learning and teaching for their children in public schools. Many Xhosa parents exercise this right by putting their children in Afrikaans-medium schools. They believe this will give their children an advantage [better opportunities] in the future. The results of the Annual National Assessments (ANA’s) indicate that increasing numbers of Xhosa learners in Afrikaans-medium classes are not able to reach their full potential because they have little or no knowledge of Afrikaans. Educators, especially in the Intermediate Phase, do not know how to support these learners effectively. It is important that they are equipped with the necessary skills to support learners with diverse backgrounds and languages. A study was therefore conducted to develop a literacy intervention programme that could increase the Afrikaans vocabulary and reading comprehension of the Xhosa mother-tongue speakers in Grade 4 to 6 classes who participated in the study. The results of the study indicate that the literacy intervention programme could lead to an improvement of the Xhosa mother-tongue speakers’ Afrikaans vocabulary and reading comprehension.Downloads
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