Principles of language teaching and learning for expanding and improving classroom input strategies

  • Majid Al-Amri Taibah University
Keywords: Classroom input strategies, Principles of language teaching and learning, English as a foreign language (EFL), Student teacher


This study analysed the possibilities of implementing principles of language teaching and learning for expanding and improving classroom input strategies. Thirty-three English as a foreign language student teachers participated in the study for four weeks. Data were collected through Likert-type surveys, written assessments and a third-party interview. Findings indicated that (1) participants showed a high level of perceived knowledge; (2) participants showed a high level of content knowledge on written tests; (3) students expressed positive attitudes towards the learning approach (i.e., grounding input strategies in well-established principles of teaching and learning); and (4) participants performed better in the post-videotaped evaluation than in the pre-videotaped evaluation.


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Author Biography

Majid Al-Amri, Taibah University
Majid N. Al-Amri is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Taibah University, Saudi Arabia. He teaches in the undergraduate and graduate programmes. He holds Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in Applied Linguistics and TESOL/Bilingual Education from the University of Essex and New Mexico State University. His current research/teaching interests focus on classroom discourse, temporal perspectives of language learners, and foreign language teacher education. Email: