Preface to Per Linguam 27(1)

  • Christa van der Walt


This first number of Per Linguam in 2011 sees an extended Editorial Board and we would like to welcome the following esteemed scholars: Prof Colin Baker from the University of Wales (Bangor), a specialist in bilingual education;Prof Herman Batibo from the University of Botswana, a specialist on African languages, language planning and policy issues in Africa; and Prof Petra Engelbrecht from the University of Canterbury, an educational psychologist. We hope that they will be as pleased to be associated with Per Linguam as we are to have them on board! We also say farewell to Prof Bonny Norton whose commitments prevent her from serving on the Board.  Her presence on the Board has lent stature to Per Linguam and she will be missed. We wish her all the best for the future and hope that we can convince her to return at some point in the future.


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